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Using Defillama in Google Sheets


DefiLLama for Sheets is a Google Sheets Add-On or Extension that provides information to crypto chain or protocol’s fundamental metrics ( TVL, Coin Price, Revenue, Fees, Volume, Stablecoins MarketCap, and more) using DeepL API.

We give you 50 free trial usage for you to try it out. And then you need to *purchase a lifetime license to continue using it.

Buy the license

Buy the license on our Lemonsqueezy checkout


  1. TVL

Try, =CHAIN_TVL("solana") for example. You can also provide date such as =CHAIN_TVL("solana", "9/9/2024")

  1. Fees

Try, =CHAIN_FEES("solana") for example. You can also provide date such as =CHAIN_FEES("solana", "9/9/2024")

  1. Revenue

Try, =CHAIN_REVENUE("solana") for example. You can also provide date such as =CHAIN_REVENUE("solana", "9/9/2024")

  1. Price

There are two ways you can use this formula. First one, is to check a coin price from a provider e.g. checking solana price on coingecko, do =CURRENT_PRICE("coingecko","solana"). Another usecase is to check a token price from a chain e.g. checking a specific ethereum token, do =CURRENT_PRICE('ethereum','0xdF574c24545E5FfEcb9a659c229253D4111d87e1') You can also specify date as third parameter to get price at that date, such as =CURRENT_PRICE(‘coingecko’,‘solana’, ‘09/08/2024’)

  1. Stablecoins

For example, to get current USDT market cap in Solana chain, you can do =USDT_MCAP("Solana") You can provide date as second parameter to get historical market cap, such as =USDT_MCAP("Solana", "09/08/2024") You can also provide which stablecoin to measure in third parameter, use 1 for USDT, 2 for USDC. Default is 1 (USDT) You can also provide the detail as forth parameter, options are “circulating”, “unreleased”,“circulatingUSD”, “mintedUSD”,“bridgedToUSD

  1. Volume

Try, =CHAIN_VOLUME("solana") for example. You can also provide date such as =CHAIN_VOLUME(“solana”, “9/9/2024”)

  1. Market Cap

Try, =CURRENT_MARKETCAP("solana") or =CURRENT_MARKETCAP("raydium") for example

Pro Add-On

If you want to use Defillama Pro API in Google Sheets to get more metrics such as hourly TVL updates, inflows/outflows for a protocol, number of active users, and much more. Please fill in this form:


Example spreadsheet with this add-on:

Have an idea or things not working?

Feel free to contact at [email protected]